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'Expert in Urbanology' photo by Patrick Skelley
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RT @aasarchitecture: Outdoor Co-Working Leads Innovative Green Spaces https://t.co/idZjroS7PS #landscape https://t.co/iHpGGnSfSz
RT @UCLAZimanCenter: Why home buyers could see bidding wars if this trend continues https://t.co/53dzhj5Z71 @YahooFinance
RT @awalkerinLA: Also on today's #GreaterLA, these reassuring words from @DrLucyJones: “You're far more likely to be murdered in Los… https://t.co/lwWbLVLrLy
RT @billmckibben: Truly remarkable reporting from the @latimes on how sea level rise is already transforming California's beaches--an… https://t.co/UJLsf0YENa
RT @jennakchandler: "Under Garcetti, the city has no current bikeway implementation mileage goals. Without stated mileage goals, it is… https://t.co/lYvusd4gZY